Some differences between c++ and java:
Java compiled code is platform independent whereas c++ compiled code is platform dependent
Java interpreter reports the run-time error that caused the execution to halt unlike in c/c++ programs which may simply crash
Sampling Theory Data scientists are required to draw conclusions about a group, a.k.a population from a few samples of it because getting the entire population is intractable. This process of drawing samples is called sampling.
Sampling Theory Data scientists are required to draw conclusions about a group, a.k.a population from a few samples of it because getting the entire population is intractable. This process of drawing samples is called sampling.
Some Prerequisites What is a variable? A variable is a storage location for a value. Linux has environment variables. It can store strings, numbers , etc. just like the variables in C, C++, python, or any other programming language.
Introduction Reinforcement Learning is different from other machine learning in the aspect that it evaluates the actions rather than instructing than instructing the correct actions.
Purely evaluative feedback indicates how good an action is , but not whether it is best or worst action possible.
While studying networks I came across two system calls namely
ntoh(s/l) hton(s/l) Both of the above are related to byte ordering done in the network layer
ntoh(s/l) It is used by host to convert a packet from network byte order to host byte order.